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Matching entries from BatesLine

2022: The McGirt election

During the recent U. S. Senate debate on KOTV/KWTV, there wasn't much distance between the four participating candidates on economic matters and social issues. There were a few differences on how the U. S. should respond to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the wisdom of unrestricted aid to...

Local talk radio returns to Tulsa on 1300 the Patriot

Local (almost), live conservative talk radio has returned to the Tulsa airwaves, on the frequency that was the first full-time talk radio station in Tulsa over 40 years ago. AM 1300 KAKC, owned by iHeartMedia, has rebranded itself as 1300 The Patriot, as of September 15, 2021. The station's line-up...

Cornhill Magazine and the Internet Archive's time machine

My trouble has always been that I find too many different things interesting. The vast collection of printed material in the public domain and available on the internet is like a time machine that beckons one to enter and explore. A Pocket article (originally from Narratively), advertised on a new...

Rand McNally on the Internet Archive

On the Map Scans Facebook group, someone posted a link to the Internet Archive's copy of the 1980 State Farm Road Atlas, which was a rebranded Rand McNally Road Atlas. That got me wondering about finding earlier editions, and I did a search for items published by Rand McNally. The...

Oklahoma earthquake forum, TU ACAC, 2016/09/07

UPDATE: I will be on 1170 KFAQ at 7:05 am on Thursday morning, September 8, 2016, to discuss the forum with Pat Campbell. My partial notes are below: Quite a wake-up we had Saturday morning! Not just a brief rumble, but sustained vibration. It was strange to open my eyes...

Election day 2014 in Florida -- and the aftermath

It was a good day, a better day that anyone expected, a real wave election. The reaction of my local liberal friends on Facebook reveal their contempt for the state where they live, their bigoted opinions of conservatives, and their disconnect from political reality. One wrote a very apt "chin-up"...

Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt: EPA and "waters of the United States"

Second in a series of reports from BatesLine's interview with Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt at Americans for Prosperity's Defending the American Dream Summit, August 29, 2014, in Dallas When Scott Pruitt took office as Oklahoma's Attorney General in 2011, he established what he calls his special ops team, a...

In praise of rote memorization and drilling, phonics and math facts

Ace has a lengthy piece taking down "cargo cult" educational practices like "Whole Word" and "number bonds" and praising rote memorization: "Common Core Is Pretty Dumb." So sure-- the accomplished 6-year-old readers are indeed mostly using whole word, at least for common words. Spoiler alert: That's because they already went...

Cushing rally planned to challenge Obama energy record

As President Obama visits Cushing, Oklahoma, tomorrow, conservative Oklahomans will gather tomorrow morning in Cushing to voice their support for a common-sense energy policy that allows exploration and development of America's energy resources. The Obama administration has been blocking the development of the Keystone XL pipeline from the tar sands...

Rick Santorum rallies full house in Tulsa

This is a preliminary report, mainly so I can get the audio and some photos online. I plan to transcribe additional quotes as I have opportunity. Sen. Rick Santorum spoke to a standing-room only crowd of about 1000 people at Grace Church last night, March 4, 2012, focusing attention on...

Sullivan: Encourage domestic production to bring gas prices down

An op-ed by Sullivan appeared in the Sunday, May 8, 2011, Washington Examiner. Sullivan addresses the connection between the price of gas and the obstacles placed in the path of domestic oil and gas exploration by the Obama Administration. He writes: The best way to moderate gasoline prices is a...

Dan Boren pulls off the mask...

(Photoshop kindly provided by ExurbanJon of Exurban League, who had created similar images for Arizona's so-called Blue Dog Democrats, who are, in reality, "Pelosi's Poodles.") The most important vote a congressman casts is the vote for Speaker. That vote determines who will control committee chairmanships, who will control the...

My city was gone: Clinton Middle School, Tulsa Club, Tiger Stadium

Notes about demolition and neglect, here and elsewhere: From the Beryl Ford Collection/Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa City-County Library and Tulsa Historical Society. Red Fork's oldest remaining high school building is to be demolished. The 1925 building served for most of its history as Clinton Middle School, but when first...

Good and <s>Pawlenty</s> Palin

There. I had that headline ready to go, and by golly, I'm going to use it. (Dawn Summers already won the Sarah Palin punny headline contest: "Palin Comparison.") I was excited this morning to hear the buzz about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, as I hadn't been hearing her name in...

More Fredapalooza; Romney's back in the noise

Columnist Mona Charen explains "Why Fred Thompson Should Run": The current Republican field is like a smorgasbord at Denny's -- lots of OK choices, but nothing to get the heart racing. That's why the potential candidacy of former Sen. Fred Thompson is creating a palpable stir. She runs through the...

Route 66 ho-hum?

Michael DelGiorno expressed his boredom Monday morning during our weekly chat, as I tried to explain the part of the Route 66 festival that most excited me as an old highway enthusiast. I can't imagine why he doesn't find mid-60s Borden's Cafeteria postcards exciting. Tulsa will likely never be a...

Timeless relationships: F&M Bancorporation board of directors and officers

In an earlier entry, I called attention to the large amounts of campaign cash given to certain incumbent councilors by donors affiliated with F&M Bank. I have in front of me a page from the 2001 annual report listing the Board of Directors and Officers of F&M Bancorporation, which is...

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